Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Changing Role of Women


Strakhov-Braslavskij A. I., 1926  
"Emancipated women/ build up Socialism."


International Institute of Social History, 1920
"This is what the October Revolution has given to the working and peasant women: cafeteria/ library/ workers club/ school for adults/ house for a mother and child"


N. Valerianov, 1925
"Worker and peasant women,/ all should go to the polls!/ Gather under the Red Banner along with men!/ We bring fear to the bourgeoisie."


G. Shegal, 1931
"Down with kitchen slavery! Let there be new household life!"

"Emancipated Woman – Build Up Socialism!: Propaganda Posters in Communist Russia." International Museum of Women. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.


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