Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An Introduction

     Ah, the obligatory first post. I suppose I should begin with an introduction. My name is Hannah Stewart and I study communications at the Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts. About me: I have a fancy prose style, so everything I post is suspect. In fact, you should probably heed Humbert Humbert's advice and not trust a word I write. (Please, don't do that. I'm actually very reliable. Really.) What else do you need to know before I begin? I consume pistachios by the barrel-full, I enjoy constructing elaborate scenes with taxidermied rodents, and I have an affinity for 20th century Russian literature.
     This blog is devoted to the latter. Rather, it is devoted to Soviet arts culture as a whole. During the past year, I made a conscious effort to immerse myself in all things Soviet and have found the effort supremely rewarding. However, as is so often my experience, I have grown weary of acting as my own sound board. I must put thoughts to keyboard. So it is with a brave heart that I, now, venture into this strange, new universe known as the blogosphere. I hope this little endeavor proves as useful to my readers as to myself. Enjoy, and be sure to take a moment, and say hello to Behemoth (cat with mushroom on left).

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